
Mars Genesis is decentralized software (ERC 721 token) running on the Ethereum network.

This website is only an interface built to help users interact with that Ethereum smart contract, and the website’s emailing system is only used to send email notifications.

No Mars Genesis card ownership is managed by this website or its creators. Users are entirely responsible for the safety and management of their own private Ethereum wallets and validating all transactions generated by the website before approving them. Use of this website is at the user’s own risk and the Mars Genesis team is not liable for any incorrect or failed transactions.

Furthermore, as the contract runs on Ethereum, Mars Genesis has no power to undo, reverse, or restore any transactions.

In order to use this website and any related tools it may provide, you agree to hold the Mars Genesis team harmless for any and all problems, errors, and failures no matter the cause or source of those errors and accept sole responsibility for all transactions.

Mars Genesis is a collection of 10000 unique NFT collectibles about Mars.

None of these tokens represents legal ownership over Mars parcels.